A root canal in Bangor, ME becomes necessary when the inner part of the tooth - called the pulp - becomes infected. An infection can occur due to circumstances that compromise the inner part of the tooth such as injury, a crack in the tooth, or advanced decay.
Symptoms of Tooth Infection
Symptoms of infection can vary greatly, so it is not always easy to tell whether or not you may need a root canal in Bangor, ME. In some cases, discoloration of the tooth may occur, making it appear shadowy or darkened. You may feel a dull throbbing pain or pain upon biting down; however, some people feel no pain from their tooth infection. The absence of pain may actually indicate that the nerve has died - meaning that a root canal may be needed.
Some people may be unaware of a tooth infection for a long period of time. Sometimes the only way to be sure that there is an infection is through dental x-rays and other methods of examination by a dentist in Bangor, ME.
Contact Our Dentist in Bangor, ME
Often, the best way to address tooth infection - and sometimes the only way to save your natural tooth - is with treatment for root canals in Bangor, ME.
If you suspect that you may need a root canal, schedule a consultation with your Maine Family Dental dentist.